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  1. Clearly it's not logical. It's also not what I said or even implied. I recommend not putting words in other people's mouths as it simply derails the conversation. In my previous response I sort of addressed your concern, read that. The people who are lashing out about this decision need to take a step back and look at what they are actually achieving: Delaying the release. Increasing the potential bug count. Stirring up acrimony in the community. Creating a lose-lose situation for the developers. Wasting the developers' time. You seriously want them to waste a bunch of time implementing a subversion server, instead of working on KSP? Come on now. All this bickering, achieving nothing but negative things. In the name of what? Don't say something like "consumer protection". You are not entitled to be part of Squad's opt-in bug test. Nothing in your KSP purchase gave you that right, no matter how much you twist their words.
  2. I don't think steam users are any better at testing. There will be plenty who selfishly abuse the opt-in beta for their own enjoyment instead of actually helping with the testing. The point is, it's ridiculous to be so jealous of those people that you want to cancel the opt-in bug testing, which will just make the release take longer and/or contain more bugs. To the people genuinely interested in helping out the development, you need to accept the fact that the developers are working within their means. Steam is a nice easy way for them to implement an open beta. Their storefront isn't. Pressuring the devs to do it differently is setting up an obstacle in their path. Complaints just make things harder for them. If you really want to be part of the development, start by adopting a team-first attitude. Then realize that you'll have to accommodate the developers wishes. In this case they are taking advantage of the steam platform to get the beta out to a lot of people for cheap. Either do it their way, or don't take part in the testing phase. Are you going to volunteer for a soup kitchen, and then complain that only the cooks get to taste the soup?
  3. Wanting to be allowed into the opt-in beta just to play the game early is a complete perversion of the developers' intentions. It's clear that's what people who are complaining want - they want to play the game 2 weeks early. They don't want to hunt down and report bugs. These same people, if they were on steam, would be on the forums a week into the opt-in beta posting screenshots and bragging about playing 1.1 instead of filing bug reports. They want to misuse the system for their own desires. And because they can't do that, something like jealousy is causing them to lash out in hopes of stopping the opt-in entirely - assuming incorrectly that everyone else is just like them and wants to join the opt-in beta for personal gratification rather than actually hunt for bugs and help Squad out. The devs shouldn't cave in to this pressure, the idea to crowd source the last leg of bug testing will almost certainly result in a better release.
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