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  1. MX-I(a) available on KerbalX !

    Hey this is Marz_Corporation ! The MX-I "Chocker" is on KerbalX !

    Link :


  2. The MX-I's Developement #1

    Hi there today I would like to show you the Biplane prodject !

    Ok! For begin the name of this plane is :MX-I(letter for version) "Chocker"

    And I've post 3 images about the MX-I. The link go to Imgur :


  3. Hi there today I've build a test of an biplane and it's a so great succes so I think to work on this prodject.

    The CST-100 can wait.


  4. Hey today I would like to show the Albert Kerman's channel ,It's a french channel (as me )




    Oh the MP-29's development are finish ! 

    Now I think to build the Kerbal version of CST-100

  5. Hi there ! Today the MP-29 are now available on KerbalX you can see it with this link :



    The MP-29 work in progress #5

  6. Hi there ! Today I would like to show all caracteristics of the MP-29 !


    #1:Speed: You could fastly an high velocity : 1010 m/s !

    #2:Altitude: You could fly at 17Km above kerbin (mesured above sea)

    #3:Brakes: In fact you could brake on 17meters  (I work on this )

    #4:Aerodynamics: This plane have a aerodynamic made for high speed and long range on little time !

    The MP-29 work in progess #4


  7. Hi there today I've work again on the MP-29 an I've developed the Airbrakes of wings !

    With them you could brake on a small distance !

    oh I've update the aerodynamics of the cockpit section !

    The MP-29 work in progress #3


  8. Hey today I've create my KerbalX account for post my planes !

    Link to KerbalX :


  9. Hi there today I've built a new plane designed by my college friend :

    The MP-29 "Licornevolante"!

    It's in development so I show only the photo of the MP-29 :



  10. I give you an idea : Procedural Pods.Hab and cargo bay. modules but I love this mod .it's add a nice side of ksp
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