Hi I just started modding KSP and I found it a little difficult to start. First of all, unlike other games I modded that have useful modding tools to dynamically load/unload plugins on the fly, I have to start/exit the game for every little change I made to see the effect (since I'm a complete newbie I don't know literally anything so I kinda just test them out one by one). Second of all, even though there are a lot of open source projects I can take a look, most of them are quite complicated or poorly documented so they don't offer a lot of help to new modders like me. I went through some intro tutorials without problems but they on the other hand are too basic and don't quite go into details. It would be great to have some basic to mid level tutorials that talk about things like coordinates system, vessel properties, part properties, etc. (KSP API is good but it is not really so accurate and detailed)