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Azrael the Sorrowful

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Everything posted by Azrael the Sorrowful

  1. That's probably what it is because I've got things in the cargo bays using those nodes.
  2. Alright, I have figured out the problem. I added fuel lines from the tanks to the cargo bays, from the cargo bats to the next tank, and so on. Now, I have access to all my fuel. However, as I stated before, the cargo bays' config files say that fuel cross-feed is enable, which clearly it isn't. Not sure what's wrong, but yeah.
  3. That's what I thought it was originally, but that's not what's happening. When I run out of LF and have that little bit of left over Ox. that is left over; I still have another 6000~ LF and Ox. that aren't being accessed by the engines at all.
  4. Okay, so, I seem to have found the cause of this issue. I have 2 cargo bays on my ship and remove of the cargo bays fixes the problem. The config files however say that the cargo bays are supposed to allow fuel cross-feed. Which poses the question, why is this problem occurring? Any suggestions to fix this without removing the cargo bays?
  5. http://imgur.com/lgWko4I Here's a screenshot of the ship. I left the cargo bays open so you could see how they were set up.
  6. No, it's not quite that. I have a total of around 9000 LF but the stage is only getting about 2000. If I run the ship until it fuels out of LF, I still have another 7000 in the ship that I can't access.
  7. Oh, no, I'm using the linear aerospike rocket and 2 of the J-92 advanced scramjets. Though, I have to ask, if the wings don't cross-fuel, do the cargo bays?
  8. Oh, well, I did have fuel in the wings, but it's only about 1/8 of the total fuel.
  9. First of all, love the mod. The parts are very aesthetically pleasing to me and I love trying to build spaceplanes with them. Anyway, I'm having a bit of an issue. I have a spaceplane built entirely of OPT parts, but for some reason my engines aren't getting the fuel from the entire ship. The current craft I have has about 9000~ total fuel (working on trimming it down as it's a bit too bulky, looks pretty though) but the engines only get about a quarter of that when I stage them up. I don't seem to have any parts that won't allow fuel through that I know of, so I can't quite figure out what's wrong.
  10. The issue there is, the game isn't crashing. It just stops loading, and because it doesn't crash, I don't get a log for it. Edit: I uninstalled all the mods, loaded the game, reinstalled them and it works fine now.
  11. Well, I recently started adding mods to my game and I had this one installed and everything was working fine. I got a bit carried away and downloaded a bit too many mods and it was bogging the game down a bit so I decided to restart, delete all my mods and and start fresh. After getting a few core mods I wanted and setting everything up, I loaded up the game and everything seemed to be loading fine; that is until I get about 85% of the way done. When it gets to "B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/Adapter_SM1/B9_Adapter_SM1" it just stops loading entirely. I've left it running for a good thirty minutes and nothing seemed to change. I tried just removing to folder from the mod to see if that would do anything and instead it just moves on to the next folder, "Adapter_M2" and does the same thing. I really enjoy this mod and would love to not have to remove it to play, so any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated. Edit: Well, I decided; for the meantime, to remove the mod in order to play and it seems that I'm having a similar problem for a ton of mods. I think it's a problem with the module manager but I'm not sure.
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