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Everything posted by Kerbuvim

  1. The only way they can restore the confidence of frustrated customers is an open and detailed story of what and how to do to remedy the situation. After so many months of silence begin to write stamped phrases "we are working on it" - not enough. We need to talk in detail about the progress, "look, we did this and that, we have to do this, we plan to do it in this deadline".
  2. I already hate this empty chatter "we work on it" from week to week ... They mock us.
  3. Cursors in the console game should not be at all, otherwise it's not porting, but nonsense.
  4. The most disgusting thing is that they silently "forget" about their promises, as if nothing happened
  5. "Early 2017" I remember too.
  6. When 1.2.2 was released? Ps4 port is already available in europe? Squad lies and lies, only lies throughout the year
  7. 1.2.2. "Moreover, we are also very happy to announce, that with this update's launch, the PS4 port will be made available in Europe, too!" 1.3 ...
  8. Disgrace with console versions continues the second year yet.
  9. FT's twitter competely died at August 17th... Looks like this story is over.
  10. I play on the PC and on consoles for over 25 years, but I never seen such a poor technical quality of the game and such a disgusting attitude to customers.
  11. It's just embarrassing to pay money for the game and be forced to play so perverted! SQUAD&FT, thanks a lot!
  12. No! They seriously "working on it", but without any visible results, and even without the stories about these results. But we believe, and what we still have left to do?
  13. Two months have passed, but nothing has been done. And even The Date is not promised..
  14. Squad/FT leaves us along faced with our issues. Exactly "our", as I understand theyr behavior.
  15. I cried "Update!" Deceived by fate, But only silence Was the answer... I also decided to write a poem, my mood is appropriate. Do not judge strictly - English is not my native language.
  16. Сonsole customers do not have to think out anything that's going on the PC, they are interested in what is happening just on consoles. That silence or meaningless messages like "we are working on it" causes a feeling of resentment among customers. Soothe can only detailed and regular reports on what exactly Squad and THEIR contractors are doing to remedy the situation on consoles.
  17. I was referring to an unpleasant situation with the console versions, the devnotes only talks about what is happening with the PC version. If there is a lot of irritation among buyers of the console versions, Squad should tell them as much as possible to reduce the anger.
  18. I see only one way to ensure that customers have ceased to blame Squad - if Squad will begin to respect their customers and on a daily (or weekly, at least) basis discover to us what they are doing, "we have already done this and that, to do this and that" on console versions. The lack of provided information about what is happening looks disdainfully and causes anger. I apologize for my English.
  19. MOO, too. I do not mind the money, I feel sorry for the lost of hope.
  20. With deeply disappoitment I sold my US KSP one-game PSN account on semi-legitimate market for $ 15. That's the real price of this game in current state.
  21. Heh. When can I repeat my achievements 2014 in a career on the Playstation?
  22. That's just a bug with the corruption and disappearance of saving files makes the game completely unplayable.
  23. For your understanding, I'm a longtime fan of the game, from 2014, 2 times bought it in the days of the Early Access on PC, played many hundreds of hours. For some reason I stopped playing on the PC and moved to the Playstation, bought the American version in a specially created account, and felt a huge disappointment and anger when I saw the condition of the game. A terrible performance, and crooked "no-brain ported" control, and bunch of infamous bugs. That could endure during the Early Access, but can not be tolerated in the finished game with the AAA price. I apologize for the awful English, is not my native language.
  24. Squad nowhere written that they submitted the game to certification and is now waiting for a response. Only on the "paper work", but what is it - it is unclear. I take it as evasion.
  25. Nestor , what about the PS4 European release ? Continue to feed us your damn "soon"?
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