Thanks, Dman!
I am eagerly awaiting the 1.1 update. I've been watching that forever thinking it might be my only hope.
Recently, though, I decided to go with one more clean install, and pushing things *only* through CKAN unless there was just no other way to get them into the game... also had to do some shortcut configuration and a few other things to my graphics card, now the thing game incredibly smooth. The first few launches I actually thought that it was somehow stuck in warp, somehow, because -since day one- ...we're talking .25 beta here... I have suffered terrible frame rates. The game played much slower as a result. Now... everything operates as it is supposed to be. It took me a few launches to adjust to how quick everything actually is now.
Thanks for the advice on the post placement as well. I had considered creating this post there. After all, it is my first post to the forums etc... however, it is not intended exactly as an introductory post, but as a thank you to those people who take the time to help the neophytes to KSP. I thought it the primary intention of the topic might get lost in the Welcome Aboard section.
Since this was my first post, a moderator had to approve this being posted here as well... so they seem to be good to go.
Not saying I mind if they move it, at all. Just hope that wherever it ends up living, the primary message goes through.
I was seriously about to give up until 1.1 at the very least. I can't understate how frustrated I was...
I truly wish I had taken the time to read through the technical side of the forums, especially to topics as they pertained to my set-up, much more thoroughly.
It would have saved me so much grief because, really, all the information is right here already.
Good stuff, this place!
Nice to meet you, Dman!