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Everything posted by Bearish

  1. After the Making History update, I did a little Saturn V / Apollo recreation in stock KSP 1.41. Here's a youtube link: Here's the craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Charms/Apollo-15
  2. Did another attempt, this time a bit more true-to-life. I've used Principia mod for n-body physics, I couldn't get the proper Mars transfer otherwise. Principia crashes reliably if I timewarp too fast, so for longer duration missions, like outer planets, it'd be a pain. Got rid of EVE and clouds for now, at that made things too buggy. Couldn't line up for proper Mars landing site in Meridiani planum, but at least landing was in daylight. Hopefully not too boring, I talked a lot more this time..
  3. Here's the list: "RSSTextures2048" "RealSolarSystem" "SovietPackCore" "KSCSwitcher" "ModuleManager" "MechJeb2" "Fusebox" "CommunityResourcePack" "ModularFlightIntegrator" "RealChute" "KerbalJointReinforcement" "SolverEngines" "RealPlume" "FerramAerospaceResearch" "SmokeScreen" "TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul" "RealHeat" "Toolbar" "ProceduralFairings" "ProceduralParts" "FreedomTex" "Kopernicus" "MechJebForAll" "AdvancedJetEngine" "KerbalAlarmClock" "TransferWindowPlanner" "Trajectories" "SovietEngines" "Scatterer" "WindowShineTR" "TextureReplacer" "RN-SovietRockets" "FirespitterCore" "ReflectionPlugin" "KlockheedMartian-Gimbal" "RealismOverhaul" "HangarExtender" "TACLS" "RealFuels" "HullcamVDS" "ProtonMBreezeM" I want to try to re-work it a bit, and try the Breeze-M fourth stage, hence the last mod added. I selectively disable quite a few parts that I'm not using, makes it more managable memory-wise. I found with Breeze-M, it's much harder to achieve Earth orbit: it's heavy with low TWR, and if the launch profile is not quite optimal, it's very easy to dip back into atmosphere. I think ExoMars really pushed Proton's launch capability to it's limit Really glad it worked so well in real life..
  4. This is an attempt at recreating the ExoMars project, that is about to be launched from Baikonur, on 14 March 2016. Really hoping it goes well! I wanted to get it done before the actual launch, so it's a little rushed. I may include the addon list later on, if anyone's interested. Correction: I've used an incorrect fourth stage for the Earth departure burn. I've used Blok-DM02 running Kerolox, but the real mission is using Briz-M hydrazine fourth stage. No idea why I thought it was Blok-DM, sorry about that. I think the delta-V's are fairly similar between the two, Briz-M is heavier but lower specific impulse (though it jettisons a doughnut tank once it's empty) , Blok-DM is lighter with higher specific impulse.
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