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  1. Hello there! i also thought i would try to do this before 1.1 hits. made it in time! this mission went a lot more smoothly than i thought it would. i didnt even need to reload once. i figured Jeb would get bored all alone, so i sent Bob and Bill with him. the landing he had to do alone though, because he didnt want to share the glory....ehr, i mean he didnt want to endanger the life of his friends. so, i sent the Crusader I into space with mammoths and rhinos. . the travel to eve was done with Nerv rockets and lots of fuel and patience. turns out i made a construction mistake though: i forgot the fuel lines. fuel could be pumped manually to the correct tanks, but that meant i could only spend like 500 delta-v at one time before i had to refill again. this mostly meant that i needed to split the circularization burn at eve into several burns. as a lander i used an asparagus staged aerospike ship, with a terrier as top-stage. worked better than i imagined, even though my landing spot was 2km lower than what i aimed for. i ditched the used parachutes with decouplers to save mass, and thus found out that if you step on parachutes lying on the ground, they explode. great idea for a minefield if you ask me. the ascend also worked really well, i used up my remaining delta-v exactly. i had 22 left, and that was exactly enough to deorbit the landing module once Jeb was back on the Crusader I. on the way back home i realized that the only mechjeb module was on the lander...but since i plan my maneuvers myself most of the time anyway, that wasnt really a problem. it WAS slightly annoying though that the crew cabin was mounted backwards on the Crusader I, so i had to always point in the "wrong" direction. maneuvers arent that easy to fly if you have to point AWAY from the node. back on Kerbin, i basically just shot into the atmosphere, and didnt aim for where i would land, fully expecting to land in water. i landed on a mountain though, that literally never happened to me before. the chutes were powerful enough though, even in the thinner athmosphere. and here are the pics!
  2. trying to figure out badges

  3. [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123950-THE-ULTIMATE-JOOL-5-CHALLENGE-Continuation-for-KSP-1-0%21"][img]http://i.imgur.com/Z5hSyCv.png[/img][/URL]
  4. just edited it, thanks for the help! i also just figured out how to wear badges. i shall wear this one with pride! thanks for the awesome challenge!
  5. @JacobJHC thanks! i liked your ship as well, especially the tylo lander looked pretty awesome. plus the fact that you recycled it for Vall, Bop, Pol and Minmus made it even cooler (even if it wasnt intended that way).
  6. Hello there! here is my entry in game version 1.05 some statistics first: i had 2 mods, Mechjeb and Tweakscale, the latter wasnt used though. i did the level 3 mission with a team of 5 recruits. Kirdrin was trained for Laythe, Kerger for Vall, Seezor for Tylo, Franchella for Bop and Rorie for Pol. only one launch was needed, but i did a second one anyway because i forgot to take screenshots. the Mothership costs 1.059.026 of whatever currency KSP uses. i also needed a rescue craft at the end to get the crew from low kerbin orbit to the ground, because it turned out that i forgot to test the last landing stage. this rescue craft cost another 136024. no refueling mission was needed, only the rescue craft at the end. i also didnt bring anything BUT the Kerbals, no science equipment, rovers, satellites or the like. now for the good stuff, the mission description: my craft consisted of a nerv driven mothership with one big crew cabin. all the landing modules were only attached with seperators (no docking). no Kerbal got left behind though, they could get back into the cozy cabin via EVA. to get the big thing up in Kerbin Orbit, i used Mammoth engines boosted by Twin Boars to get it up in the air, and Rhinos to complete orbit. it flies very stable actually, considering how big it is. i even could start the gravity turn from the start without a problem. the Laythe lander uses one Rapier to get into orbit, and 4 detachable sparks to deorbit, support the parachutes when landing, and help starting vertically. at some point the stabilising wing on the top got torn off (before i even got to laythe, i dont know when exactly) which made the landing rather difficult. the main problem though was that this wing also had the ladder attached to it, i had to improvise to get Kirdrin on the ground and back into the ship. (all captured with screenshots) the Tylo lander uses 3 asparagus staged Terrier engines. needs a relativly flat surface to land though, the first landing site was too sloped and it fell over. the second try i tried to hard to find a flat surface and used up too much fuel. third time was the charm though. Vall, Bop and Pol all have basically the same lander, basically a pilot seat attached on a computer, the smallest fuel tank i could find, one radioisotope generator, and one ant. (vall used a bit more fuel and a spark as engine) Vall and Bop were very easy to land and start from, Pol gave me a lot of trouble. not by design, but it bugged out on me. my lander exploded quite a bit above surface. i finally looked up the coordinates of the supposedly highest mountain and landed there. Mechjeb tracked the true altitude, and showed 0 altitude when in truth i was about 1 km above the ground. below that, mechjeb snapped back to the actual true altitude. the mountain i landed on was also very sloped, and i couldnt come to a halt. so i started up again, and landed on the peak which was flat enough. on the way back to my mothership, KSP crashed on me though. funny coincidence: at that point steam told me that i have played 666 hours of KSP in total. when i reloaded and finally got back to the mothership, i found out that another bug had occured: the bottom half of my ship got torn off somehow, scattered in the orbit of Pol. not all Parts were accounted for, i assume the kraken flinged them away somewhere. not too much fuel was lost though, most of the tanks were empty, but i DID lose all of my reaction wheels. the Cupola cabin had to turn the big lump of a mothership around, which took ages. Pol also decided to not let me go right away. after i escaped Pol, i immediatly had an encounter with pol again. afterwards i was released to freedom though, and returned relatively safe to kerbin. back at Kerbin i found out, as said before, that my cabin couldnt actually land on Kerbin without being crushed, so i had to send a rescue craft to get my Kerbals back on the ground. luckily i had enough delta-v left to circularize with the mothership (which i originally hadnt planned to do) and here are the screenshots! ps: somehow the forum button for inserting an Imgur album doesnt work. always shows up this picture: does anybody know what i am doing wrong? this is only the second post in this forum, so help is appreciated. edit: the picture works now, thanks to sdj64.
  7. Hello there! first post here, i thought i will try the crazy challenge with a 3 stage rocket. first stage is of course that one kickback that ksc permittet us, fit with chutes for a save return second stage uses the powerful aerospike. still not enough to complete orbit though, and it needs a heatshield (since it needs recovery) final stage utilizes ion drive to the fullest. now, this is also the first time im using imgur, so i hope this works: http://imgur.com/a/kNjyv
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