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  1. I think you can also click on the engine and change the thrust limiter in flight. This would help a lot.
  2. I don't think drag works that way. As I understand it, the drag isn't applied to each part but instead to the ship as a whole, so if the center of drag is near the center of mass it shouldn't have an effect on handling. Any parts with lift would behave quite differently, but I don't think drag alone is his problem.
  3. I think LAN of Kerbin is 0 and other LANs are measured ccw to Kerbin at epoch = 0. Each planet starts at its apoapsis. I'm pretty sure you can use this and the argument of periapsis to determine the angle to Kerbin at t = 0 but I cant figure it out. edit: I don't think you need that to determine the dates of the AN/DN. For Moho, argument of periapsis is 15 degrees and the periapsis is 180 degrees ccw, so the AN is 165 degrees ccw at t = 0. Orbital period of 2215754 s multiplied by (165/360) gives us 1015554 s UT for the AN. This is close but wrong, probably because I forgot that angular speed isn't constant in an eliptical orbit. You probably shouldn't trust me too much with this. another edit: The AN/DNs won't fall on the same day each year. To get subsequent nodes, you'll have to add Moho years in my example, not Kerbin years. other edit: Oops, I'm doing this whole thing backwards anyway. Nevermind.
  4. The probe cores will have a 3km built in antenna only after unmanned tech is researched.
  5. I believe he meant that the antennae and dishes from RemoteTech2 constantly draw a lot of power, not that it changes the solar panels.
  6. I believe that's a bug in RemoteTech2 that has been fixed in the latest version. I used to be able to target dishes without a connection by clicking on them but now it says 'no connection'.
  7. I think we need more info. What problem are you having? How is it not working?
  8. I don't think that's the problem. Any parts added after a node has been researched will not be available until it is researched individually. Fortunately, it's free. Find the flight control node in the research centre. If the AR202 part isn't greyed out, click it. Hope this helps.
  9. I think you need to delete one set of brackets between the stations. Like this: GroundStations { STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488 Name = Mission Control Latitude = -0.131331503391266 Longitude = -74.594841003418 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489 Name = Secondary Mission Control Latitude = 20.582931503391266 Longitude = -146.511641003418 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } } In yours, the second station was not inside Groundstations { }. Also, in response to what MeCripp said, my RemoteTech_Settings.cfg looks exactly like that, without the extra station of course.
  10. Recent versions of MechJeb only includes 2 parts and do not alter any stock parts unless you do it yourself. Also, PM sent to m4t14n.
  11. What I do is select control from here on the docking port, then hit TGT+ on both ships to get them aligned. Then I switch to KILLROT to avoid any SMART Ass wonkiness that sometimes happens when they get close. I use docking AP to get them aligned, then do the rest manually. Works well. EDIT: Actually, I think I dont need the AP at all since they'd already be aligned. It's been awhile since I've done any docking.
  12. I don't really understand what you're saying but toolbar definitely works with the latest Module Manager. If fact, I think if more than one version of MM is installed than the most recent one will stop the others from running. As Module Manager in RT2, it's needed to add the control and antenna capabilities to stock parts and parts from other mods.
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