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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. madmat


    Indeed, a return trip from eve is a noteworthy venture. Would love to see some pic's, even (especially) if it doesn't go to plan . Welcome to the forum and may you smite the kraken on your travels.
  2. Yep, i'd agree with starting in career mode. It's how I got re-acquainted with KSP after a long break. Then go sandbox and go nuts. Welcome back to the fold.
  3. You are definitely playing the right game if you like to smash things. Love your contraption.
  4. Excellent looking parts Porkjet. Good to see more mk11 parts being added to the game. They've been lacking for a while.
  5. And don't forget the amateur astronomers who want to fix the "street light pollution" bug as well. There must be a big dimmer switch round here somewhere.
  6. Greetings indeed FF. Don't worry about your English, it's no worse than some of ours. Welcome to the forum and glad to hear your enjoying the game. It's a BLAST. hehe
  7. That's an ingenious design Martin. Works well to. Just need "the CLAW" on the front for a mandible.
  8. Got to disagree with you there Sirine. Mods add so much to the game. Sure play Vanilla first until you get the hang of it, but then go CRAZY on mods. It's the Kerbal way. Oh welcome to the forum laiod. Just play the game in any manner that brings you happiness and explosions, many, many explosions.
  9. Hubo, that's an awesome post. I really like your mobile lab.
  10. That's a terrific write up for the magnetometer and magnetospheres DM. Great, now I've learned something today. Anyway, definitely worth my 400th post and some rep to boot. Great work on this mod too.
  11. G'day joe and welcome to the forum. Scott Manleys vids are an excellent way to learn all things KSP. Enjoy the game and feel free to ask if you have any major dramas. Small things like unexpected explosions and rapid deconstructions should not be regarded as unusual.
  12. What's the worst that could happen. Unexpected explosions, parts falling off spacecraft, cpu destroying lag. Meh, just another day in the office.
  13. This is the way of the world Nik. We all get caught out this way. Welcome to the forums and hope you get your copy soon. It really is worth it.
  14. G'day me. Welcome to the forums. You know, you'd get a whole lot more welcomes if you shared some of your toys with us. We like to play too.
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