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Everything posted by PCanas

  1. So, I've tried with wings on bottom and engines on top, but then I had the opposite problem when I had the wings on top and engines below. So I decided to try with wings and engines in the middle. It's way more stable then it was before, but still have the problem of constantly pitching up or down, although much more softly than before. I didn't take any pics because it still needs some tweaking, but essencially, it's same design as posted before, but with the wings in the middle of the fuselage, and the engines mounted in the wings.
  2. So I downloaded this mod (tool?) from the Kerbal Stuff. It works fine until... well, until I need it to work: as soon as I open the window, the game runs at like 2fps or less. If I close the window, it doesn't solve the problem, but If I load a new craft or create a new one, everything gets back to normal. I copied the KronalUtils folder to the Game Data Folder. I'm using a laptop with Win7 Home Premium 64bit, 6GB Ram, Intel i7 @1.6, NVIDIA GeForce GT 230M. The grapgics settings are as low as possible. Any idea why this happens, and how to solve it?
  3. I'll try both options: bottom wings with egines on top, and center wings & engines. On another note, any idea on how to solve the problem with the CoL arrow not showing?
  4. Tripod, I'm a good pilot So, I guess the major issue is the CoT. I'm thinking about inverting the wings/engine placement, i.e., put the winds down with engines on top. Will it solve the problem? But then, it will change the CoL, and it will stay below the CoM, right? What if I put everything in the middle of the fuselage? Wings attached in the middle, and engines "incorporated" in the wings?
  5. Finally some pictures. This is the best craft I got so far. It requires some attention to fly, specially in the first 10-15 thousand meters, but then it "stabilizes" (with SAS. It has 2 of them). It's allways wanting to pitch up, so I have to constantly pitch down to correct it. I guess it's because the CoM is too much in the back (??) I managed to climb to about 35/40 km, then the SABRE engines kicked into rocket mode, and the craft immediately started to go nuts, again, wanting to pitch up. The only way to keep it "stable" was keeping the throttle at about 10%. Needless to say, I didn't make it into orbit. The flight test was made with no cargo. The control surfaces work as: - nose and tail (horizontal): pitch - tail (vertical): yaw - wings: roll Pictures (how do I get the imgur to show here?) Craft File
  6. I dont' have pictures yet, but the CoM and CoL(*) were lined up or with a very small displacement (CoL ball is always inside CoM ball). CoT should be right (never checked) because I was either using a single engine, or symetric placement of engines. The design I'm trying is very similar to the HCL-02 Fox from Kaname (2 posts above). Basically, anything capable of hauling the orange tank, or similar. I'm using FAR. I've managed to take off, although most of the times it was right at the end of the runway (probably because of the placement of landing gear). Midflight stability was not very good, but it was possible to keep it in the air. I'm not very good at flying with FAR lol * - lately, the arrow from CoL does not show up, only the ball... any fix? No idea about CoT's arrow, never checked.
  7. Any new designs with the new B9 version? What about those huge new pieces? I've been trying to build and SSTO, but I'm having some trouble...
  8. Don't get me wrong, I think that's great too But the "loop" function would be even greater And I'm sure many people have been waiting for it edit: about the "initial post", the loops could selectable for every part, not exclusive to certain type of parts
  9. Hi! This has probably been discusses/sugested before (I, obviously, didnt' read the whole 456 pages of the thread) but it would be nice to create some kind of automation for engines. Basically, loops. There could be "circular loops" (like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 etc) for rotors and stuff like that, and there could "back-and-forth loops" (like 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 etc) for pendular movements (like an actuator extending and retracting continuously. This way you could build spider-like-locomotion-aparatus (scientific names are amazing lol) and make it move with one single key Just an idea
  10. Hi! I know there's been an "update" for 0.24, but I can't find the link... I've searched the previous pages but can't find... probably passed by it, but didn't notice... can anyone please post the link for download the most recent version, or for the page it's in? Thanks!
  11. Ok, it worked! Thanks! I thought it was a patch, that's why I was putting it over previous versions.
  12. So regarding my problem (thermal turbo jets had two flames and reactors didn't produce anything): it's half solved... I uninstalled KSP completely and installed it again, then installed Interstellar, from normal version to temporary fix. Normal version had the problems I metioned, with the fix, thermal jets/rockets no show normally, and work fine except they don't produce any thrust. Also, it seems reactors are not producing any waste heat... Any idea?
  13. Since 0.24.2 update i'm having problems with Interstellar. The two major problems I found (I didn't try it much since the update) were. - reactors don't produce anything... no heat, no particles, no nothing - when I'm creating a craft (either rocket or spaceplane) the Thermal Turbojet shows up as if it was running (with the flame) and has two flames: one in the right direction and one pointing down. I've downloaded WaveFunctionP's temporary "fix", but it's not working... maybe i'm using it incorrectly? Help...? Plus, is there any plan for a real fix?
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