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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. 1598: Filled with radon-222, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. "Somewhere" is very broad.... I think not, for fear of ending up in a volcano or something If button is pushed, you get to fly a cat to space, but it can't be recovered.
  3. I have two saves. One was created a while back and now does not want to load. The other was created today as a test, but no contracts are loading (i did a couple flights, if that matters) Modlist
  4. I have the same processor, and am using an Asus z-97A atx mobo. I should upgrade my ram thinking about it... And the P5 looks really nice. I'm a bit worried about dust though.
  5. Can you show pics? EDIT: I quickly built a craft with the parts at your disposal - see spoiler Also, when burning at apoapsis, try pointing your craft down below the prograde marker to prevent the apoapsis from going up too much. Have you also been doing gravity turns to get to 70 km or so?
  6. Granted. Its so exciting now, you don't eat, sleep, or do anything else but play before slowly withering away and dying. I wish for a house cat sleeping on my keyboard.
  7. I dig a pit and wait for you to fall. Due to cartoon physics, you stay for a while before my trained pigeons takes you cookie. My cookie. I have pigeons....
  8. Banned for having higher rep count than posts.
  9. Rule #16 of calculus - Try dividing zero by zero Internet
  10. Drawing program is Krita. (i think)
  11. I'm actually getting around to the whole "space" portion of the game. Sent a tiny craft to gilly, without part mods or mechjeb. (I dont really like either.) Everything is so floaty! Also weird. When planting the flag, the kerbal slowly spun around before levitating on the flag pole...
  12. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sunglasses&t=ffab&iax=1&ia=images
  13. Banned for making a reference I don't remember or know.
  14. I do origami, but I'm not OrigamiOrigami @WinkAllKerb'' may reply.
  15. I take a hacksaw to the robotic arm and apply liberally. My cookie now.
  16. Banned for referencing Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  17. Granted. The information is top secret, so you have to be executed after you are told. I wish to have positive rep on the forums. More than now.
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