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Everything posted by Enki3l

  1. OK Thx to everyone! I Never Imagine´t, that my Qustion Produce such a big Wave... I will try some things. The Smart A.S.S. sounds good. But i found on Spacedock something like a Fligt Recorder. I say it Clerly... Craching or Parachots are not an Option! I Want to Recover my Kerbals, and my SSTO!!! My SSTO´s are ale made withe OPT MOD. With K Part´s. Almost 50m Long. I Wil Try everyting and will Tell you. thx Enki3l
  2. Nope! The way BACK! A Buton to Recover the Vesel from Space ore somting....
  3. The Prob. isen´t to com to Kerbin! The Flight itself are Long and Boring! And sometimes i Burn into the Atmosphere....
  4. HI i interested, if there is something of Autopilot for SSTO´s? Everytime i Droop´t the Cargo (Space Station Parts) into Space, i have to Fly Long and Boring Way back. Is there a way to do that Automatically? THX Enki3l!
  5. THX!!! Now it works, but it is still unstabel. its maibe not enofe RCS´s. OK But Thx to you 2!
  6. THX i Testet the RCS, and i puted everiwere Tanks. but it dosent workt!! I Put 6 RV-105 RCS Thruster Block at the front and 6 Backwords and Tanks in the Cargobay and ontop... How can i controle it? withe W S A D ???
  7. http://www.image-hoster.de/preview.php?file=39f256914b50a0c17fc6f9743.png http://www.image-hoster.de/preview.php?file=aad196c1e16af0d0a8404a88d.png http://www.image-hoster.de/preview.php?file=42bc285319ce4c81ab65de93d.png http://www.image-hoster.de/preview.php?file=ed39af07594735f326933c93b.png http://www.image-hoster.de/preview.php?file=5860a0add66915e5ca2b0fdcc.png Thx for the fast Anser. I can do wat i want, the Wings move but the "Firehawk" not! On Youtube i have seen everitime some trust from engings comming aut around, but not at my one!?? PS. Yes I Updated to 1.1 Prerelease. But the same Problem.... PPS.: 51.8M and 380.4t with 15t Carco.. (-:
  8. HI I am Neu in KSP and i Bild me an space shuttle. or Beder an SSTO. The Problem is, if i made it in Space i cant Controle it! It wabels around. Can anyone Help me? KSP 1.0.5 Unmodded Windows Steam
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