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Doctor Dimension

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Everything posted by Doctor Dimension

  1. So, deleted the whole thing, began anew, reinstalled mechjeb. It worked fine for a while, and just now it began doing the same thing again. This really sucks.
  2. Tried your maneuver trick, and it ignored it completely. Not using FAR No, it still sits at almost full battery with everything, and I can manually control it.
  3. As soon as I figure out how to post logs (bit of a noob in such manners), I'll post em. I don't have RemoteTech, just vanilla Mechjeb. Also, I didn't know where to post support requests. I'm gonna have to try that! Thanks!
  4. So here's the rub: I have a copy of the newest KSP update (1.1.2) and I put Mechjeb onto it. So far, worked like a charm. Fired it up today, and the takeoff works fine, but when it gets near it's apoapsis the craft does several things. 1: Creates the node for the maneuver. 2: Doesn't line up for the maneuver. 3: Spins out of control, like the wheel has just been allowed to go free. 4: Fails to throttle up. 5: Continues counting past the maneuver. 6: Hits the ground in what the scientists refer to as a "Gravity's poodle" move. I've tried this with every craft I made as well as the stock ones, and I get the same result. I've turned on RCS, played with corrective steering, all of it. I don't know why it just began to glitch out. Please help!
  5. This is going to sound very dumb of me, but which button fires missiles? Or is it in an action group, and if it is, how do I.....how does one action group?
  6. @BahamutoD I followed the instructions and place the BDArmory folder from the DL's Gamedata into GameData>Squad. I launch KSP by going into the folder and clicking the .exe file. I'm using Windows 10.
  7. Neither versions I am using work, and I cannot seem to find any online aid, it seems people with the glitch are referred to forum after forum, but there's no real fix? Why is my game messed and how do I fix it?
  8. Sooo.....nothing works. Tried installing it to a version with the mod, nothing shows up, tried it with a vanilla version, nothing. Anyone have that issue? The BD tab doesn't even show anymore, but the loading screen loads up that parts as the game's firing up. Edit: Fired the mod into the gamedata as i did originally, and i'm still having the black-screen-load glitch, so at least it's consistently messing up.
  9. this more like it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxjREdxJXnxvVllrV0Q2bm9PbEE/view?usp=sharing
  10. My output log: why is it soooo short? The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
  11. Hi, I'm very new to modding and KSP in general, but I'm loving it. Slight issue with the BDA mod, whenever I load any sort of craft to the launchpad or landing strip, all I see is black and stars, my navball reads orbit, and it keeps flipping 1x time acceleration as it is trying to load. The craft and editor and files all are in there and look fantastic, it just doesn't let me fly or load up anything. Any help?
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