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  1. Hi everybody! Since you liked my last video I wanted to share my new one with you. This time it's about an aerocapture at Jool with the inflatable heatshield. I hope you like the calm/relaxing style I wanted to try and also the improved camera movements ( thanks to a very great mod). As always I'd love to hear some feedback I hope you enjoy watching it!
  2. Thanks! I posted it on reddit but I have no idea how to reach more people other than waiting But I'm fine with that, I'll keep making videos and see whats happens
  3. Yeah I know I noticed that too late but since it makes no difference I just kept it that way
  4. Hey everyone I'm back with my second video this time about the limits of the inflatable heatshield. I tried to compare it to other methods of slowing down so that you can see how good it performs Hopefully this will help and/or entertain you!
  5. Thanks a lot for your answer! I noticed that too while watching it again. But I had the struggle between authenticity and shortness while editing (and tended to cut more at the end ) . I thought too many cuts would be to hasty. Anyways I'll try to improve in my new video with the tip you gave me
  6. Hi Guys! I finally created a video to stop being a long-time-lurker and to show you something about the new heatshieldpart. I hope you enjoy my first try Would be nice if you take the time, watch it and give me some feedback so that I can improve next time. Have a nice evening (at least in my time-zone) and hopefully thanks for watching
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