It is just space shuttle, like many more on this forum.
It is quite well balanced, no need to have RCS or additional reaction wheels turned on while launching. In each booster there are 4 biggest SRBs in surrounded by fuel tanks for aesthetic purposes.
It goes to orbit just like normal shuttle.
Separatrons guarantee clear boosters decoupling.
Main fuel tank contains enough fuel to enter 46x300km orbit with full payload, or enter Mun orbit without payload.
Space shuttle uses monopropelant thrusters for orbital manuvers. They are capable to circuralize orbit and then deorbit.
It is capable of lifting full orange fuel tank to orbit. Fuel cells are used for power supply, docking port and RCS thrusters are also included.
It deorbits and lands on runway just like normal shuttle.
Weight: 473 tons without payload
Payload: 40 tons to LKO
Part count: 157
Only stock parts Download Link
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