STS-1a certification attempt with runway landing
This is the first time I've done a ksp challenge after building by myself for a long time. I decided to make a simple shuttle, I do have a bigger one in RnD though.
I have installed KOS {not used}, FAR continued, EasyVesselSwitch {not used}, Analog control continued {somehow not used} (also module manager and modular flight integrator as dependencies).
The mission starts off pretty normal, the shuttle has 1 kerbal in it.
The boosters you see on the sides are retained for only a little part of the flight, they're there to make 100% sure I can't fail. After I jettison them I start turning the craft over.I circularized into a nice low kerbin orbit.For my return I chose to do a nice shallow approach to the ksc. It took a couple tries to get the return right and I still ended up flipping my shuttle for a part of the reentry. (Photos might not be from final reentry attempt)
I still ended up being short so I had to burn all of my maneuvering fuel to reach the runway. Also, I came in a little wonky and had to do hard corrections before I flew off the edge of the runway. I only made it down safely because I had drogue parachutes that saved me.
Landed with just a bit of runway to spare.