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  1. Where can I edit the cost of the supplies resource? I know the price was reduced, but I'm still coming up with tanks of food that cost as much or more than the rocket to lift them to LKO.
  2. Also getting extreme camera wonk on ships with integrated cameras, including docking ports. Uninstalling the mod breaks loading of some missions and seems to cause other things in the save to break.
  3. The Soy-Juice is firing its solid rocket landing engines whenever a docking or decoupling node is decoupled under the Soy-Juice. (I have it rigged up to a larger 2.5 meter service bay and engine, with a docking node under the Soy-Juice decoupler.) Is there a way to make it not do this?
  4. Thanks, this did it! I was using the wrong version of TCA. Now if I could figure out how to get it to hover this thing... Four radial aerospikes with a TWR ~1.3 when landing. I can get it down within a 2 km radius of KSC with 1000 m/s delta v left in the tanks, but I can't get it onto the pad or the runway. I would like it to land for a 100% recovery, and I believe it has the capability! TCA does not seem to be taking over throttle control when asked to maneuver in pad tests. In pad tests TCA does not seem to be taking over throttle control of these engines when asked to hover or follow waypoints. It points the nose in the correct direction to hover over to the waypoint, but does not ascend or descend without manual throttle inputs. Action shot: Sitting on the pad with TCA engaged. Auto-throttle is active but as you can see the throttle is still at 50%. The ship has the thrust for VTOL. The engines are default profile, classified by TCA as main engines. What do I need to do to get it to fly me around like a quadrocket?
  5. Ah, yes, there are lots of error messages about loading TCA in the log. I am using the stock toolbar. TCA and modulemanager.dll are both in GameData. MM loading screen says 472 modules patched from cache. output log file
  6. No, there is nothing in parts info in editor, which is what makes me think it's a modulemanager problem. I'm on 1.05 and have installed MM 2.6.18 and the latest version of TCA. I don't know what log I should share. Thanks for helping by the way!
  7. Hi, I'm new here and I must have messed up something in installation. I have TCA in my tech tree, but nothing on any of my parts and no TCA button on my taskbar while in flight. Is there an extra step to installing it beyond unzipping to GameData, or is there a problem with module manager, or what? I use radial engine setups extensively for propulsive landing and skycranes, so this mod would be a huge help. But I can't seem to even get to step one.
  8. Hi, I'm just wondering why a 2.5m can filled with 4.5 tons of food costs more than a 15 ton rocket engine. (By a hefty margin!) Is $67,500 the correct price for the 2.5m nom can? I launch interplanetary probes for less than that. Can I edit the price somehow? I was hoping these would be easy to jettison on deep space voyages. Excited to use the mod but wow, that's some sticker shock.
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