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Everything posted by Tank420UK

  1. i don't have much time to do anything with this, just decided to share the changes i'd made to bring it up to date. As it's not my work, and due to the license update, anyone can the modify and share the original work, with the modifications I've made. I think I did once make one of the parts into a science lab, but I don't still have that modification. Yeah, i kinda figured due to the stock crew transfer now, this isn't a massively big problem, but would be nice to be able to use the doors properly
  2. A GitHub for others to work on if they wish(it's my first GitHub so, I dunno if i've done it right) https://github.com/Tank420UK/UDKLD_Large_Structural_Components Updated nodes & tech tree for v1.0.5(works in 1.1 pre-release) https://github.com/Tank420UK/UDKLD_Large_Structural_Components/archive/master.zip And i might turn that hydroponics bay into some fuel container for now.
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