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  1. Another picture from my wife for the contest! This time, Jeb is having a minor catastrophe with his snacks.
  2. Thanks! Yeah, she did a piece one time of Jeb and Co riding Space Mountain at Disney World: And also one of Jeb savoring a moment of victory(?):
  3. This is an art piece my wife did for the game!
  4. Hey, thanks for the reply. As I mentioned, I set the angle of attack settings, but the corrections it makes are still nowhere near accurate. And, if you look at the video I posted, that guy doesn't do it either: he specifically mentions that he just leaves the settings alone, and controls from his rotated probe core. The mod seems to understand what effect that will have, and models his glide profile accurately. When doing the same thing, I'm getting an entirely different result, and that's what's confusing me. Even adjusting all the settings I can find only gives me an inaccurate ballistic drop, instead of the glide profile he's seeing. And thanks for the tip! I'll give that a shot next time I get the shuttle into orbit again.
  5. I'm having a problem with this mod, and maybe somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong: I built a standard Space Shuttle, and when I try to de-orbit it, the trajectory shown by this mod is way off - by like a hemisphere. My shuttle is a carbon-copy of the one featured in this video, and I'm flying it the same way. I have a probe core in the rear rotated about 15 degrees, so when I hold prograde while coming in, the nose is up slightly. In that video, the mod shows him his entire glide profile. When I do it, it only shows me as having a simple ballistic drop. I have a set of images here that demonstrate the difference. As I come into the atmosphere the mod keeps pushing back the projected landing point. This keeps me from being able to reliably hit where I want. I'm on stock aero, just like he is, with no other mods that I imagine would interfere. I have tried fiddling with the setting provided by the mod - setting my angle of attack, specifying a prograde entry, etc., but none of them rectify my issue. I figure I'm doing something dumb - anyone have a clue what that might be? Thanks in advance!
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