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Everything posted by TMFMidnight

  1. The fairings aren't working for me, they wont reshape no matter what I do
  2. Hello, I'm running the steam version of KSP and while I am able to run the 32bit version any attempt to start 64bit has resulted in an instant crash before even entering the loading screen. I have attempted to start in clean versions of both 1.3 and 1.2.2 to no avail. I am running 64 bit windows 10 version 1703 build 15063.296 with 16GB of RAM, Intel i7-4790 and a Geforce GTX 1060 SSC with MSI afterburner v. 4.3.0 and Rivatuner at v.6.5.0. 1.3 Crash logs https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aolcfj8fbd9qvy1/AABDny17Kkn5LMP8dYe1SU-ba?dl=0 1.2.2 Crash logs https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pjo20itxn51rlde/AAAxTrAEE9lmh-1CGqyJGOLwa?dl=0 If any other information is needed please ask. *UPDATE* Updated Rivatuner to 7.0.0 Beta 19 and Nvidia driver to 382.33. Issue has subsided, remove at earliest opportunity or leave open for future reference.
  3. Hello Im using the Chaka Monkey mod and im finding that none of the added parts have TAC LS resources. This is off because MM_AddResources hasn't changed and this mod used to work perfectly with Chaka, someone please help!
  4. Im using Chaka Monkey with TAC LS and the resources aren't popping up like they should, this is weird because I was previously able to do this a patch or two ago. Would this be a change in chaka or TAC and what should I do to fix it?
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