Well, done with this game for a little while, until I cool off.
Was doing well in career mode, lots of fun!
For my second time to orbit I picked up four hitchhikers, and all was going well. Now obviously this rocket was designed by a blind apprentice, so de-orbiting would be... a challenge. Being a newbie and wanting a retry, I went to space center, hit Save Game, gave it a name, and tried to deorbit with a periapsis at 35k or so. Oops, came in from too high, so even though my capsule miraculously survived re-entry it smashed into the ocean. Reload.
Uhm. Except there's no save file. It didn't, in fact, save anything. The saves folder has my initial save file from back when I started (so it did work once), and a persistent.sfs.
I tried to load my initial save file, and now it overwrote my persistent.sfs no questions asked. I am now out of a few hours of productive gameplay,
Anyone else have this?