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Everything posted by BonesNL

  1. Whenever I try to make a spaceplane using the only parts I have (the basic spaceplane kit), it bounces around on the runway while stationary, and the slightest bump causes the landing gear to explode. Uses my save from 1.0.5. Anyone else have this? The landing gear explodes due to its limits being exceeded. But I only include a cockpit, an empty fuel tank, and two jet combo's, which I'd say is the bare minimum for a vehicle (no wings, just a steerable nosewheel, use it as a rover for nearby surface measurements) so I can't see it being much lighter.
  2. Well, done with this game for a little while, until I cool off. Was doing well in career mode, lots of fun! For my second time to orbit I picked up four hitchhikers, and all was going well. Now obviously this rocket was designed by a blind apprentice, so de-orbiting would be... a challenge. Being a newbie and wanting a retry, I went to space center, hit Save Game, gave it a name, and tried to deorbit with a periapsis at 35k or so. Oops, came in from too high, so even though my capsule miraculously survived re-entry it smashed into the ocean. Reload. Uhm. Except there's no save file. It didn't, in fact, save anything. The saves folder has my initial save file from back when I started (so it did work once), and a persistent.sfs. I tried to load my initial save file, and now it overwrote my persistent.sfs no questions asked. I am now out of a few hours of productive gameplay, Anyone else have this?
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