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    Seattle, WA
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  1. What does ClouddShine do? I can't find any links to a forum post.

  2. Whups. Put up the wrong .zip! Will do.
  3. CVE, A small mod built off of SVE that makes the stock solar system truly beautiful, also designed to replicate the beauty of the long gone Astronomer's Visual Pack. All of the textures can be found on NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center database. Licensed under CC 3.0 You are free to redistribute the textures and the configs, as long as they are modified. Spacedock Mirror:
  4. There's a thread I'd like for you to pull for me: I lost the plugin file so essentially it's nonexistent. Thanks!

    1. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      Can you give me some context in a private message, please?

    2. Cloudd


      Sorry. I found the file. Thanks!

  5. Download on Kerbal X: https://kerbalx.com/crafts/12494/edit
  6. To all those beginners, Ship crashers, and lander smashers, Sub par mission controllers, I present to you my series of tutorials that should make you on par, at the very least. Enjoy!
  7. I'm thinking about restarting Avionix's Visual Pack, just a lot smaller.

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