Mauws' Custom Paint Jobs makes use of KSP's new Variant Switcher feature to add several colored textures to the game.
In MCPJ the textures are identified as Paint Jobs. A Paint Job may be either a texture of a single base color or a variant of it. The variants are composed by the base color of a Paint Job + an alternative secondary color and/or custom details.
This is my first time modding and my first time making textures. Despite the overall quality of the Paint Jobs be limited by my lack of texturing skills, I really hope they are good enough to provide you with as much fun as I designed them to do.
Currently MCPJ adds 12 Paint Jobs (6 unique colors with one variant for a few parts each) to almost 50 parts, most of those are Aerodynamic parts, such as wings and nose cones. The currently available Paint Jobs and the supported parts are listed below.
List of supported parts
NOTICE (Mod Dependency): MCPJ requires ModuleManager in order to work, and it is NOT included.
MCPJ Alpha Pack - version: 0.1 | download size: 50mb | uncompressed size: 190mb
Installation: Extract the MCPJAlphaPack folder into your Gamedata folder.
Applying a MCPJ Paint Job to a single part (check the Features topic to see the supported parts).
Applying a MCPJ Paint Job to the whole craft at once (check the Features topic to see the supported parts).
Would you like to suggest a color to be added into MCPJ? Reply this thread using the below template. (Replace the colored text with your response).
Bug report preferably on GitHub.
Q - Why MCPJ "Alpha Pack"? A - The greater the amount of textures the greater is the mod size. Maybe one day it will reach an unreasonable size to be downloaded at once (or maybe you just want a few Paint Jobs without having to download GBs of textures), once this happens the next Paint Jobs will be packaged in a standalone derivate mod: MCPJ Bravo Pack. Then comes the Charlie Pack, and so on. (Read the next question for more info).
Q - When will the MCPJ "Bravo Pack" be released? A - It may never happen, the community will decide. What size is too much for a single mod, 100mb? 500mb? 1gb? Please leave your feedback. A2 - There's another scenario in which it may happen: if I decide to add Paint Jobs that doesn't follow the pattern of Main color + Variants (like an exclusive texture for a single part), those will probably be packaged in the Bravo Pack.
Q - Do you have any plans to add support for mod parts? A - For now just the Stock parts.
Q - Can I suggest a color to be added to the pack? A - Of course, see how in the Development topic above.
Mauws' Custom Paint Jobs Copyright (C) 2018.
Configuration files and code are licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 (GNU GPLv3).
All assets, including but not limited to Images, Textures, GIFs, Videos, Audios and 3D Models
are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
NOTICE: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
English is my second language and I don't practice it as much as I should. If you see any typos or grammatical errors in my texts feel free to suggest corrections.