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  1. Thanks to all the peoples for their suggestions. @Harry Rhodan: thanks for the pointer; while looking for a solution, I did find that Linux thread, but I failed to notice how it was relevant to my specific issue; never assume anything! For future record and for anybody else with similar problems, after a few attempts, I found I needed two fixes: For my ATI, I needed to add -force-gfx-direct to KSP "Properties | Set Launch Options" For the PulseAudio mess (not KSP fault, but a mess anyway!), among the many solutions proposed in the link suggested by @HebaruSan , I decided for this one (the one with the symlink for libpulse-simple.so.0), which seemed the less intrusive (and it did work!). Eventually, after the symlinking, the "Set launch options" of my KSP looks like: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH %command% -force-gfx-direct Now, KSP does work! Thanks! M. Aside P.S.: The first time it run, KSP started at a resolution of 640 x 480 in which the UI was almost unusable (eventually, I got a better window size by editing settings.cfg). However, before being able to do anything else, I had to accept a dialogue box only a small part of which fitted in the window; I could read nothing meaningful and I could not interact with its controls. As far as I could understand, it has to do with privacy and/or sending home info. Can anybody tell me what I have been kind of forced to accept? Thanks, m.
  2. Issue: At startup, a window with just a black background, approx 1024x768, is shown for a couple of seconds, then the programme just shuts down. This issue is rather similar to this one, but at least in my case it does not affect the X session. Tried: 32 bit version, 64 bit version (by changing progr. properties in Steam client), both from Steam client and from terminal: same result. Executables in Steam KSP folder have x permission enabled. My system: *) KSP: 1.1.0 Steam version, fresh install, no mod, run under Linux (no previous version ever installed, just bought it!). *) HW: 4-core i5 3.33 GHz, 12GB memory, ATI HD 5770 1GB mem, 2 x 1280x1024 displays. hardinfo report can be found at here. *) SW: Linux Mint 17.3 (based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), latest available Catalyst driver. *) Player.log can be found here. No KSP.log generated (or I could not find it). I had great expectations from this programme and I am rather disappointed by this unfortunate start. I am a developer myself (of other kinds of sw) and I know too well bugs do happen; this seems a very basic issue, though. I also understand it might be rooted in Unity3D, rather than in KSP code: another example of how Unity3D multi-platform support sucks! Thanks for any help, M.
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