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Posts posted by Bjalfi

  1. On 3/17/2018 at 9:52 AM, CobaltWolf said:

    Do the ones currently in the mod actually help? I did not do any real research on them, or make sure that they actually 'worked' - I just modeled it from a picture and stuck it on. If they can be changed to be more useful that would be good feedback. Also, if I remember the Apollo docking port should do angle snapping and only dock at specified angles anyways?

    They totally help! for me it's more about aligning things the same on the ground as in flight, so it's really helpful when I'm building a station module or something to know where zenith is and to have everything else lined up accordingly.  I think you're right on the docking ports angle snapping,  it was more of an orientation of spacecraft on my part that it helps with.

  2. On 3/2/2018 at 6:11 AM, CobaltWolf said:

    Like the ones on the Apollo mission modules and the Skylab MDA? Yeah I could do that :)

    I totally missed this!

    Yeah, just like the ones on the Apollo mission docking modules.  I'm a bit obsessive with my docking rotation orientation and love the target to help me align straight .  Thanks for taking suggestions, this is defiantly my most used mod :)

  3. 9 hours ago, LawnDartLeo said:

    Soooo, about those parameters.

    Can you expand on this at all?

    The launch is stable but ends up going off to north east at about 045.  During the ascent, it tries to fight itself back to 090.  The orbit is set for zero inclination and ends up being in the 20's.

    Watching the ball, the nav guidance is on 90 but the velocity vector is, as I stated earlier, going 045 north of 090.


    Personally I set force roll to 180º for climb and turn, keep acceleration between 15 and 17 m/s^2 and throttle over 66%.  I also use smart parts for staging and turning on the gimbal for the SSME's at 3% fuel levels in the SRB/LRB's.  The biggest help though was getting  control surface toggle and using it to turn off everything except the second flap on the rudder, which you have to do manually, this keeps MechJeb from getting into a feedback loop.  Hopefully this is helpful.

  4. 5 hours ago, plague006 said:

    Per an edited IRC convo in #spacedock:

    [15:21] (@VITAS): needs to be uploaded again i think
    [15:22] (@VITAS): also the image is missing
    [15:22] (@VITAS): so my guess is: its in the db but doesnt exist as folder on the server

    [15:26] (@VITAS): you can forward my tips for resolving this


    I won't be pursuing the issue further as this isn't my battle, but I hope the info I provided helps.

    I sent an email to SpaceDock's support, so hopefully they'll be able to find the problem.

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