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Everything posted by Xcl

  1. New update for version 1.1.2 works fine for most engines; seems to not work with custom nuclear engines (specifically ones that can use multiple types of fuel; e.g. porkjet/KSPI-E) though. Thank you for this wonderful mod.
  2. Version 1.1.1: I have a DV miscalculation problem too, but its not about decouplers, it's about surface crossfeed. Strangely I swear I didn't have this problem in 1.1.0. Affects MJ too. I have minimal mods (KAS, KIS, KER, MJ, Stage Recovery), tried fresh reinstall to be sure. The problem rears itself especially when building (conventional) planes; KER only reads fuel which has an engine on its end. Works not too bad for rockets, but is very very wrong for planes (no engines on its end). Pic 1 - Only calculating fuel with engine attached on end Pic 2 - Fuel on main body not calculated Pic 3 - Calculation ok with fuel lines Pic 4 - Just to be sure, only fuel on main body, flies ok, calculation = 0 Pic 5,6,7 - Engine on end - Rocket style; is fine, calculates additional fuel attached on wings
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