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  1. Like it or not, if it wasn't for those certain people flying that historically accurate flag, we probably would have never had a space program. War, as horrible as it is, breeds innovation. The whole point of the early space program was to make sure our kabooms go farther than their kabooms, and we know where they keep their kabooms, and vice versa. Unfortunately, following your logic, your R&D department must be pretty low-tech, as the lovable Wernher von Kerman is modeled after "The Father of Rocket Science", who happened to be one of those certain people. He even comes with a tiny mustache, something that the real von Braun was not known for...
  2. Heh, wait till you load up the Lunar Saturn V. Mine instantly slagged the launchpad and subsequently crashed the game on first stage separation. (x64)
  3. It took me forever to figure out the problem with this. forum post after forum post saying to check another forum post. The buck stops here guys:
  4. Testing docking on an Apollo style mission in a "simulation". Ascended above kerbin then successfully docked and then for some reason went back to the space center, started building, then flying a spaceplane, and was notified by Kerbal Achievements that "congratulations, I had killed a crew member". Although her vessel was certainly not rated for mach 3 flight, Valentina seemed very much alive when suddenly I came to the horrific realization that I was going to be unable to revert my docking simulation. So I reverted, loaded the docker up, and sure enough, no parachutes, DV for circularization, heat shielding, or time to launch a desperate attempt at a "rescue mission". Today I got to watch Jeb, Bill, and Bob drop 480 kilometers into the atmosphere and be roasted alive like little green chesnuts before the command module exploded. At least they went fast, both in sheer velocity and in their demise... RIP
  5. Or you can get out and push... Wonder how many times NASA actually had to do this or similar KSPesque foolery to save a mission and never told anyone about it.
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