I agree with you. I was more taking issue with the "obscenity" comment, as the word translation is not really an obscenity, rather more of a "would you really name a part THAT?" sort of thing.
Really, if you think about it, this game has been "international" all along, and yeah, needs to be sensitive to everyone.
And as far as:
I don't really see anyone saying they are upset with the change, I certainly am not upset. It was more a knee-jerk reaction to the idea of being offended by a word that is not intended to be offensive and mistakenly pasting a different meaning onto it. More of a comment on the fact that being a global citizen also requires people to have a bit of common sense and not not project your things onto other things outside your own culture where it doesn't really fit. Not really a KSP thing...
So, probably having annoyed enough folks with my un-edited brain-to-mouth connection, I will stop talking about this. Sorry if I annoyed anyone besides myself