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Everything posted by Tidus

  1. Alright, I've been able to narrow down the problem to using fairings with landing struts (specificly the L2, haven't tested others). Is anyone else able to reproduce that condition?
  2. Version, Windows 10 Home, x64, Nvidea 980 gtx, i7 4790k, 16 gbs ram 9 times out of 10 when I try to use fairings they will cause the ship to fall apart and then explode on launch pad. Example: http://s32.postimg.org/ps1z2y40j/fairingproblem.png I wanted to post the ship file, but it said I couldn't attach because of my account :(. But basically any time I use a fairing the ship just falls apart on the launch pad, its extremely reproduce-able for me. Is anyone else seeing this behavior? I cannot comment on when this started to break for me since I did not start using fairings until recently.
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