Hi I am using Kerbal Space 1.1.2 and EL is not working. The productivity of my Workshop is always 0 and there are only engineers inside. So I reinstalled Kerbal Space with no mods, just EL, Modul Manager and Kerbal Stuff (MiniAVC). Kerbal Stats 2.1.3. But nothing helps.
With a new version and only these mods it won't run. Could you please help me? In the past I ran EL with less of these mods.
I found one error in the log file. But I don't know what it is?
[LOG 06:13:26.330] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ModuleManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[EXC 06:13:26.339] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog'.
ModuleManager.ModuleManager.Awake ()
AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
[LOG 06:13:26.344] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Logger' from assembly 'MiniAVC'
Kerbal Space without Launchpads is horrorable.
By the way I found out that the UKS/MKS mod making some changes for the Exptra Planetary Launch Pad. It makes producing vessels very hard because you need 2 other ressources instead of rocket parts. There are some cfg files named with el..... and el.....mu file in asset folder. Delete them all and you can use rocket parts again.