Hi guys, today i wanna say my opinion, and maybe ask for advices about the career mode. I have to say that in my 250h of gameplay i never played career until now, and i have to admit that is pretty intriguing. The progression feeling and actually building and planning to achieve a real mission (with rewards) and goals adds alot of spices to the game and i'm happy of it.
Okay so, you start with few useless parts, it's nice to unlock the first five upgrades with few science points, but after that you find yourself with totally impossible tasks (unless building stupid ugly glitchy ships), i have to fly around passsengers, but i do not have spots for my planes, that can barely take off because lack of parts, obviously i won't put 4 pods to fit 4 passengers on the plane, i like the game to be at least 1% realistic. They ask me to try out 2,5m parts ahahah and i don't have even 2.5m fuel tanks. They asked me to explore di moon and i don't even have electricity.
Now everyone will say: "hey you stupid, just unlock everything". Sure, every stage now is 90 science. How many upgrades? I don't remember, 10? maybe less, it's 900 science. How can i make 900 science with going around with stupid vessels that ALSO looks incredibly ugly if they have to be functionals (because lack of parts). Few experiments around are like 10 science, less, i don't even have ladders and electricity to send back experiments and i have around 20 science now.
It's seriously GRINDING and it's not fun.
Really you want me to walk all around ksc to gather science? WALKING? it would take hours, obviously i don't have wheels.