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Everything posted by chrisjpak

  1. Maybe this is intended, but with the newest GPP, when probes are out of communication range of KSC, they no longer communicate with other launch sites (from kscswitcher). I'm not sure what to post to show this...
  2. I'm super excited to start using this mod, but I'm having trouble getting anything working - I'm running 1.1.2 with the latest available (well, everything), and anything I launch 'freezes' and has a speed of 0.2 m/s and sits burning fuel. Eventually it starts wobbling and explodes after a minute or two of this (at maybe 50-100 m off the ground, since it's moving at .2m/s) The initial TWR is > 2 (I also tried a booster with TWR of 35), so I don't think it's just a weak engine. Has anyone else experienced this?
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