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Everything posted by Invadersir

  1. It has come to my knowledge of a rumor that we will be getting Historic parts into KSP. First off Id like to ask if there is any development on this rumor, and secondly, If any of you agree with adding historical parts to KSP.
  2. I'm going to try this myself... Could take A LONG time though... I'm an insane person, so I think of crazy things And the fraction speed of light thing is more of a joke. (The title) However a Gravity assist could work.
  3. Granted but every wish you wish for requires another wish to wish for that wish. I wish I could get this essay done
  4. Sounds like something I'd use just to say it, "dangit!" (The invasion has spread)
  5. Sir, we have confirmation! And the Invasion of this forum has begun!!! Muahahahahha! May all be subjected to my near-impossible ideas! The challenge: Build a spacecraft that can go to every body in the solar system land on every SOLID body... Then escape the solar system (never to return). Points: Moho- 10 Eve, Gilly- 35 Kerbin (freebie), Mun, Minmus- 10 Duna, Ike- 40 Dres- 30 Jool, Laythe, Vall, Tyo, Bop, Pol- 140 Eeloo- 70 Crashing into the Sun/ Jool- 100 points Escaping the solar system- 40 points going 1/3 of the speed of light- 333.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333... points 2/3- 666.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666... points 3/3 999.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999... eh we'll call it 1000 points Colonies on all planets- 300 points Mining/refueling stations on all planets- 400 points And last but not least: Spacestations- 1000 points DA RULEZ: THOU SHALT NOT USE CHEATS, MODS, OR HACKS!!! (no mechjeb either) Thou shalt not have refuling missions! The thou mayests: You may use a ship that is assembled in orbit (i.e: a space station that can fly... this is the only exception to rule 2) You can send unmanned probes to each body... -1 point for every one though. Ship may be as big as you want it (yay) Yes I will be doing this challenge too. The prize: Very serious bragging rights. And maybe something else if I think of it. And considering myself... and a lot of other people. I think we can pull this one off.
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