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  1. Sry if I didn’t make it clear, the vessel isn’t floating upwards or anything, everything works normal except the vessel isn’t positioned right on the runway/launch pad. This problem also occurs on EVA (see link). Graphic details are set to their highest level, and I only have installed the following mod, no FAR or tweakscale (everything via CKAN): -Kopernicus -KSC Switcher -Module Manager -Real Solar System (incl. 2048 textures) https://www.dropbox.com/s/63z3dch27epr4an/1.jpg?dl=0
  2. Hi guys, I’m new to RSS and I’m having a problem with sunk/floating vessels on KSP 1.1.2 (x64). Every vessel I launch either floats above the ground or is sunk partially, depending on the launch site. Is this a bug or something I have to deal with in RSS? RSS (and all the dependencies listed on CKAN) is the only mod I have installed right now.
  3. Hey, thanks for your answer! Unfortunately the terrain details are on their highest settings already.
  4. Hi guys, I just started my very first RO career and i already have my first question^^ whenever I launch something (doesn’t matter if via the runway or the launch pad) at specific launch sites, the vessel is sunk in the runway/launch pad (if I go on EVA, only Jebs head sticks out of the runway). So far I ran into this problem at Cape Canaveral and Kourou, other sites like Wallops are perfectly fine. Is this a known issue or am I the problem (I installed RSS/RO/RP-0 with CKAN and just added KER)? I would really appreciate any help as I think landing with this issue would going to be a nightmare^^
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