I downloaded the very nice KSP BigTrak vehicle a few days ago and thought it would be nice driving it on the moon. Then I realized it\'s kinda tricky to land on the moon with a vehicle, so I came to think of the Sky Crane currently being used by Nasa to land Curiosity on Mars. That\'s a cool way to land a rover. I\'m gonna do the same! Easy peasy... or was it =P Here\'s how NASA\'s Sky Crane looks like with Curiosity hanging below. After some tinkering and crashing and killing good Kerblings I came up with some kind of design which would eventually work. Proved horribly hard to control so I employed Mechanized Jeb to help out in testing. A few design revisions later I came up with this. (I do apologize for the horribly pink textures on some items) It\'s nice and stable and can be operated without Mech Jeb, much to Jeb\'s big relief (and ego). Big powerful delivery vehicle. (Ugly?, yes I know) Serious rocket power! On to the Mün we go. Orbit injection and separation from main step. Only rover and skycrane left in orbit above Mün. Beginning break maneuvers and descent. Looking good. Jikes!!!!!!! Time to stop snapping screenshots and focus on the landing. 50 m/s descent and way to close! Was about to mess it up big time with separation from crane but managed just to put it down. Then a quick throttle up for the crane to brake hover and take of again. Just barely managed to snap a screenshot of the crazy thing thrusting away from me. Close call! Skycrane crashing down just a few seconds after touchdown, but safely delivered the rover - Did the job perfect. On the Mün. No speed limits! 8) Jeb is happy. Houston, we have a problem.... ??? Do we have any other attempts mimicking the Sky-Crane delivery?