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Everything posted by TGApples

  1. That's not really true though. Once you're in orbit, you can get the right node to get to the Mun by simple fiddling with the node, and it really doesn't matter when you decide to make the transfer. That is nowhere near true for any interplanetary missions. I think mods make things significantly easier with both transfer windows, and node management.
  2. It's not a resource. Once you're in a stable orbit, or landed, nothing changes. You can advance time 10 years and nothing has changed. The only reason you wouldn't is role-play, or because it feels wrong.
  3. The thing is, they're really not. Just use max time warp and they come around very quickly. There seems to be a psychological barrier against using excessive time warp though. I have it too!
  4. One of my issues is that I have an aversion to larger timewarps, especially with the current brokenness of the lab. I think the only think that would really cure me of this is some in-game penalty for "wasting" time. I don't really like playing heavily modded, but maybe I should make an exception here. Even then, without Kerbal Alarm Clock (or some similar mod), getting the transfer windows correct is pretty tricky with huge delta-V wastage. Now, to be fair, you can build massive rockets with huge amounts of excess delta-V, so really it becomes a question of efficiency.
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