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  1. Drat, I should've checked back earlier. I've already gone past their supply limit again in the game, so I'm not sure the persistance file would do any good. I do remember that while the supply was restocked, the HAB setting was in the red - but I was under the impression that wasn't activated yet. Anyway, I'll try to send a duplicate resupply mission to try and reproduce the behavior. Will send you the p file when that happens.
  2. Just started using this life support mod, and predictably when it came time for my first longer-term crewed mission (a tourist jaunt to Minmus) I forgot entirely to give them extra supplies. Their craft was stuck in a highly eccentric ~20+ orbit. Fortunately, I'm ALSO using KIS/KAS, so I figured out a resupply vector: Send up Bill, rendezvous, and bolt some snack packs right onto their damn hull! Sadly, it didn't seem to work. The vessel now registers as supplied again, but the pilot did not switch back to being a pilot - she still reads as a tourist. Have I forgotten to do something or have I managed to bypass some kind of resupply check by using KIS/KAS?
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