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Everything posted by RubyPorto

  1. Thank you for walking me through this. Here's the output_log.txt from the KSP_x64 folder, clocking in at 5.6gb: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1BzUICs9kMhQS1SVHFWcTdVb3M I hope it's useful (though, as I said, I suspect that I just modded until something broke).
  2. Thanks, Where would I find an appropriate error output log? KSP didn't crash, KCT just put up an in-game error notification, so there's no dated crash folder. Here's the output log from a crash a few days ago: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2552992/output_log.txt And the error log from the same crash: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2552992/error.log
  3. I got an error saying that KCT couldn't load the its configuration file and that I should post my log here. Here's the log (at 3.7GB, none of my text editors will open it): ~wrong log, had to remove from dropbox to upload other logs~ I'm assuming that my install is irreparable, but I'll keep it around for a bit in case someone wants more info from it. I'm further assuming that the cause of KCT/KSP breaking is that I successfully modded KSP until it broke, so I'm just posting this in case it proves useful to the mod makers.
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