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Everything posted by Survius

  1. Hey all who are interested in kRPC and making KSP accessible via web, I made a little demo using the Java API which i integrated into my tomcat installation to remote my rover via a website ... thanks again @djungelorm your plugin rockz! I can read live values from parts and give commands to my rover AI ...
  2. I am just downloading the new 0.3.4 - thanks a lot for the setters on fields and the light color setters!!! Also looking forward for the brand new User Interface API Regarding the IR Servogroup to Vessel topic - i currently dont see the Method neither in the doc http://krpc.github.io/krpc/java/api/infernal-robotics/servo-group.html nor in the sources :/ ... For the webserver topic the websocket topic is cool but i will in any way build an abstraction on top of it as i will run it wihtin my tomcat - it will have one connection to the game and then provide services to many users allowing them to simoultanously use vessels over it (still rough thoughts) - my "Synth REST API" (i am thinking if i might later contribute this as an additional mod to yours ). I wrote a little mod allowing me to name parts and a little "controller" with wich can now configure my RPC Client from within the game. My first little challenge a self adjusting solarpanel with IR and a static panel is already working:
  3. I am happily working on my little autonomous rpc creatures Currently i am facing a little issue as the java.util.List<ServoGroup> getServoGroups() of Infernal Robotics API http://krpc.github.io/krpc/java/api/infernal-robotics/infernal-robotics.html does not only return the Groups of the active vessel but all servo groups of the vessels which are in rendering distance. (i can work around it by renaming the servo groups on each vessel.) I asked myself if it might be possible to get the Part from the Servo and the Servo from the Part? And perhaps also a Vessel from the ServoGroup? Cheers Ben
  4. Wow thanks for the quick answer I did already create my own parts now. I have a little GUI now allowing me to track the energylevel of the probe and call my new custom events of the new part. For that i am using the suggested module api to enumerate on the custom fields and send the events. If there would be a general method to set a field with data i.e. setFloatField(0.3) or setStringField("Test") then this would be awesome! As i said before i am planning to have sensor like distance analyzer, ... and so forth as a "real" robot would have them and then write a little ai remoting this. The next step will then be to provide a rest API over HTTP for it. So you can steer your stuff over a website (by that with your mobile, tablet and so forth - like have your navtablet app next to your desktop :)). it might be a little like a kerbalgotchi. could even be on twitch and user can steer probes in the game while streaming ... (just rough ideas!) ... But in any way thanks for your reply and the mod!!! Cheers Ben
  5. Dear djungelorm, first of all i am really happy with this mod - you did a great job!!! I am now using the Java API and it works like a charm. Now I am trying to code sort of "distributed autonomous systems" (multiple vessels interacting with each other). I might well start to add some parts like sensors et al. later, but currently i am trying to implement interaction with the modules of a vessel. Here i am somehow not seing a way to set not boolean fields where as in the client UI they have sliders (like roverWheel1>ModuleWheelBrakes>Brakes). Is this already possible and i oversee it in the documentation (which imho is really a pleasure to work with - tight and informative - well done)? Is it also somehow possible to set the light color (lightR, ...) of lights in flight mode? Thanks a lot again for your great mod! Cheers Ben
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