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Everything posted by Dampiir

  1. Thanks mate I actually got it working though by clicking on the tick in the versions window, CKAN is so weird sometimes lol. Now to figure out why I'm getting infinite black loading screens in the SPH....
  2. Not sure if anyone else has this issue but CKAN will not let me install any USI mods except for Life Support and Tools. All the others show latest compatible versions in the Versions window but under the install column there's no tick box. Am trying to figure out how to manually install MKS, Core and Malamute but no luck so far.
  3. It is on the KSP website on the FAQ page: KSP FAQ Here is the text from that particular part: I bought the game on the KSP Store, but I want it on Steam. Will you give me a Steam Key? In general no. The option to transfer KSP Store licenses to Steam is only available for those who bought KSP before it originally came out on Steam, March 20th 2013. Note that if you do qualify for a transfer and choose to do it, the process is OPTIONAL and IRREVERSIBLE. If you transfer your purchase to Steam, you will no longer be able to download or update the game from the KSP Store. To move to Steam, log in to your KSP Store profile and you will find the button to start the process next to your download link. If you can’t see the button in your profile it means you purchased the game after it was on Steam and you are not eligible, no exceptions, please don’t insist.
  4. Heya not sure where this should be posted so here goes, I purchased KSP loooooooong ago and played it quite a bit but moved on to other things, now I want to get back into it and was wondering is there a way to like link my copy to my steam account or would one need to buy a separate copy? Someone just linked me the FAQ regarding this sorry for the inconvenience, mods please delete thanks!
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