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Posts posted by coredumpster

  1. An additional consideration, is that a two stage lander left behind with a probe core, solar, thermometer, and an antenna allows you to easily fulfill the 'Science from the surface of ....' contracts.

    For me, in early career I do one-stage landers that return to Kerbin ( mun / minmus ).  Then I do two-stagers on bodies with higher gravity and to leave behind a science-probe.  After I advance further in tech tree and available funds, I start building stations in orbit and then leave my re-usable landers docked and use dedicated kerbin return ships.

    With 1.2 now, how CommNet will factor into that strategy remains to be seen.  Might start doing two stagers, where lift-off from surface with both, and leave first stage in orbit with relays, and then smaller Kerbin return craft carrying the crew and science.

  2. How about one-way un-manned pre-supply missions, which is something that Elon alluded to?

    Use of KIS/KAS to connect ships landed on Duna?  Otherwise all-stock parts.  

    Thinking along the lines of a pre-supply mission to land drills/ISRU with KIS/KAS to connect the "fuel base" to the lander would be close to Elon's vision, with otherwise all stock KSP parts?

  3. 1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    Oh, look at that, another milestone. Sometime during the night this went over 150,000 views. Wow!  :) 
    I'm not sure who most of you are, but knowing so many people are reading this, or at least looking at the pictures... lol... makes it so much fun for me!! :D

    So I got a lot done yesterday, and I should be able to get the rest today and have the next chapter posted tomorrow sometime.

    Hi Just Jim, long time lurker, first time poster:

    It's been a great story and interesting to read for me.  A long-time old SF fan I grew up on Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, and it's been great to see all of the influences in your storyline and you are a good writer.

    Your craft designs ( specifically your stations ) have helped inspire some of mine, and encouraged me to explore more of the system than just the near Kerbin system.

  4. None that are really abandoned, per-se.  I do go back from time to time to check on them.  Mostly they are one-way probes/landers to Eve and Duna ( plus Ike and Gilly ) at the earliest tech I could manage in a career save.  Though I don't visit my Eve lander because I'm liquided at it.  All of that effort ( and time in game! ) to get there, landed safely, collected a bunch of surface science, and then "Cannot transmit, no antenna".  Argh.

    I have a couple rovers on Mun and Minmus that were part of a two craft lander pair.  Rover docked underneath the lander, released at a hover from about 10m, then the lander touches down nearby.  Rover has a probe-core, so once the kerbals have returned home, it becomes a probe and is still usable.  I've had fun seeing how fast I can drive them sometimes since I don't have to worry about losing any kerbals.  In theory, they were meant to be retrievable but landing the sky-crane lander back on the docking port was too much trouble so I just left them.

  5. The science multiplier is based on where the science was gathered ( the Situation and Biome ).


    There is additional science you get the first time you recover a craft that went to X, but that doesn't modify the science you gain from any experiments that you run.

    So if you don't recover the craft, you will get 100% of the science from the experiments.  You will only not get the money for craft recovery.

    The klaw (to use proper kerbalese) is the Advanced Grabbing Unit.  It works like a universal docking port, allowing you to attach to any vessel or debris ( or asteroid ).  You can do the same things as with a docking port, such as fuel transfer, etc.


  6. If you return the probe to LKO ( Low Kerbin Orbit ) you can rendezvous with it, and then an astronaut on EVA can remove the science from the probe and return with it back to KSC.

    As an alternative, if you have the claw, you can rendezvous and attach to the probe to bring it back to KSC.  Be careful with heating on re-entry though if you do this.  This is probably harder than retrieving the science on EVA and requires more tech.

    If you want to use mods, KIS/KAS does allow engineers on EVA to attach/remove parts.


  7. Same as your #1.  Had a plane flying about Mach 2, doing some temp surveys for a contract.  Had it in phys warp to get there faster, forgot I was in warp and tried to turn.  The forces on the plane tore it apart and it broke up about 15,000m.  The cabin detached from the fuselage which had my chutes.  Since I was over water, I managed to bail my 2 kerbals out around 10,000m and both survived the fall somehow.  Those helmets have some really awesome strength properties.

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