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Everything posted by Tbjoern

  1. Love this mod, great work ! Thank you for continuing the development. I think I found a bug with this mod and FAR. As you can see in this image the "PWing - B9 SH" Part and the "PControlsurface - Mark 1" Part dont get recognized by FAR. The "PControlsurface - B9 SH" Part has the same problem. All the other procedural wings work fine. Its not just the debug voxels, the analysis tool doesnt see the wings either (most of the values are red) , and a plane that i built had did not lift off when using the B9 SH part. When i exchanged the wings for the sp+ version the plance flew fine. I noticed that the CoL does change if you add and remove wings however. I tested this on a fresh ksp install , 64 bit , with only FAR and Procedural Wings installed (and their dependencies on ckan) . Here are the output log and the MM Cache. (for creating the first picture) I hope this is the right place to report about this, Im new to this forum
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