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Everything posted by Taviyo

  1. I have an MK1 crew cabin attached to MK1 Command Pod with a Science Jr. and a couple Goo packs attached. Science Jr and Goo packs are not part of my recovery modules. I do a crew transfer and get Bob on EVA to get science from Jr. and Goo and return to Command Pod. When I attach to Command Pod, I get no option to store science. When I board, I get no notification anything was stored. When I return, the experiments provide me the exact same amount of science with no diminished amount which tells me nothing is happening. Forums have indicated you can store experiments on command modules, and that with my ship setup, I can store one per biome in each the MK1 Crew Cabin and the Command Pod. I'm guessing the impression I've received is wrong? Should I just be transmitting my data instead? Last mission I transmitted on, Bob couldn't reset the equipment, I don't know, maybe I wasn't doing it right or getting close enough to the equipment. I could close the doors on the Science Jr, that means I should be able to reset it, right? This is all very new to me and all the convos in the forum threads have mentioned this stuff, but somehow skirts around providing me with exactly what I need to be doing with this setup.
  2. when on EVA, I cannot get the kerbal to rotate vertically. This means that I often end up bumping my head into whatever I'm trying to interface with. If it's a railing and I'm in this orientation and hit F to grab on, this always ends up flinging me far off into space with my RCS off. I've gone through thread after thread and all the conversations mention it, but there's no mention on how to correct it.
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