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Everything posted by EGB9000

  1. I feel like if some idiot on youtube could prove it was a bird then the US government would have just said it's a bird. It's either something they don't understand, or something that they're creating a cover story for (probably the former)
  2. I noticed that the screenshots say that Moei's ocean is composed of Silica, but in game it says the surface temp is 408K. Hows that supposed to work?
  3. I would like an assortment of props, a Vasimr, linear aerospike, scaled up Rapier and nuke, a fusion drive, and an Epstein Drive type engine, but it requires a TON of science and credits to unlock and use, or can only use explodium harvested from Eve.
  4. A Saturn-like World with rings and some small non-spherical moons in the rings. One big moon the size of Duna with a tall, dense atmosphere. Perhaps small lakes near the poles and the aforementioned plateau that is at a breathable altitude. I would prefer if the atmosphere didn’t have oxygen at sea level but I don’t think that’s possible so I’m not gonna get my hopes up.
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