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Everything posted by Sivonen

  1. Making notes to myself FAR only works FAR + RO works FAR + RO + DRE + RSS works Aaaaaaand here's the winner: Ven's stock part revamp breaks the scilab. From this file: \GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\Utility.cfg I deleted this bit: (I actually deleted the part, but I think the part name was that) @PART[LargeCrewedLab] { some text and stuff here } @PART <---- delete everything before this line, don't delete this line And with that it works!
  2. The bug also occurs when trying a fresh install with only RO and RP-0, without any recommended mods. Make a rocket: Guidance unit Mobile processing lab SRB 4x Tail fin A thing to hold it upright Launch it and see FAR report zero drag and lift.
  3. Hello all I'm experiencing a bug with KSP. Only time when I get this bug is when I have mobile processing lab (scilab afterwards) on my craft. FAR reports zero drag and lift and the control surfaces do nothing. After I reach about 250m/s speed, the scilab vanishes but everything attached to it are floating where they were. I have narrowed the problem down to the scilab only. A simple rocket with scilab has the bug, a complex rocket without the scilab is fine. Here's a log from a run containing: Start Load savegame Load a craft Launch a craft Verify that the bug is there Alt-F4 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhdx50i0hlx3916/KSP.log?dl=0 edit: the correct log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfn6s2zy70ihrev/output_log.txt?dl=0 Modlist from ckan (basically RO and RP-0 plus a few):
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