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Everything posted by Cyanate

  1. stp wid mi spelig

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    1. Rocket In My Pocket

      Rocket In My Pocket

      2.4 Language, placement spelling and grammar
                 b.Users must attempt to use proper grammar and spelling in all messages. Txt-speak, 1337-speak and other exclusionary forms of speech are prohibited.
  2. oh dud i gut liek 17`000 ms s srsly
  3. Hi i juust started k s p. I am tried launching a plan caled the malar and i presed spacee an th enguns turnd on bt th plan diid nit takk of. Y not??/? do i juts pris a butin ir somting? aslo i wtched a vido of k s p and the gy sad somtng abat trotle or somting wut is taht???/ CyanOuit Y IS THis nt phos=tnvg, ? OH nevirmeynd t sas too be aprooved bye an modiratir
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