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Everything posted by beeaton

  1. Ok, so this is my first post, so be easy on me First of all, love this tech tree and appreciate everyone who works on it to make it better!! What got me here is that I was having an issue where the communotron 16 wasn't showing up in the VAB even though I have it unlocked in the tree and was on a few of my rockets. It might be related to the fact that I had installed some mod parts that were used on existing rockets and then decided to remove those mods later. This took me down a few rabbit holes last night to try and figure out what was going on, but here's one of the holes I went down. I was a bit curious how the EngTechTree.cfg file works, so I downloaded the latest version from git and started poking around in it. While looking around, I noticed in a few of the nodes, that there were parts with duplicate names. This got me to thinking how many parts are duplicated in the tree. Would having duplicate part names cause issues to where parts would be missing in the VAB? Here's the list of parts along with how many times they are duplicated. 9 | part = FNFissionFusionCatReactorMk1 7 | part = mk3Cockpit_Airliner 5 | part = i_4m_cockpit_isp 5 | part = TweakableAntimatterReactorUpgradeA 4 | part = KspiMoltenSaltReactor 4 | part = KW1mFairingPF 4 | part = KW2mFairingPF 4 | part = mk3_shuttle_noseCone 3 | part = DustyPlasmaMk2 3 | part = KspiPebbleBed 3 | part = scienceModule 3 | part = SXTmk2225degree 3 | part = turboRamJet 2 | part = a_cockpit 2 | part = AdjustableRailScaleable 2 | part = ALCOR_LanderCapsule 2 | part = B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_125m_Bicoupler 2 | part = B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_400m 2 | part = B9_Engine_SABRE_Intake_S 2 | part = B9_Engine_SABRE_M_Body 2 | part = B9_Engine_SABRE_S_Body 2 | part = Corvus_Exterior 2 | part = DronePod 2 | part = FSbiPlaneAileron 2 | part = FSbiplaneCockpit 2 | part = FSbiPlaneElevator 2 | part = FSbiPlaneRudder 2 | part = FSbiPlaneSkid 2 | part = FSbiPlaneTail 2 | part = FSbiPlaneWingCenter 2 | part = FSbiPlaneWingMain 2 | part = FSbiPlaneWingRound 2 | part = FSbiPlaneWingShort 2 | part = FSbiPlaneWingTip 2 | part = GantryLargeScaleable 2 | part = GantryLargeScaleableVariant 2 | part = Hedgehog 2 | part = helperDrone 2 | part = HighGainAntenna 2 | part = investpod 2 | part = IR_Rotatronmk2Scaleable 2 | part = IR_RotatronScaleable 2 | part = IRPistonScaleable 2 | part = KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex 2 | part = KSCTruckAxleWideComplex 2 | part = KW3mengineWildcarXR 2 | part = KW3mFairingPF 2 | part = L25mSci 2 | part = LFUELM3 2 | part = LMkIIAircaftTail 2 | part = LMkIIIAircaftFus 2 | part = LMkIIIAircaftFusLong 2 | part = LprobeFoil 2 | part = LSmallFuelMod 2 | part = LSmallSvcMod 2 | part = LSVCM3 2 | part = LVT15 2 | part = M2X_InlineIntake 2 | part = M2X_MantaIntake 2 | part = Maxurpod 2 | part = MEMDescentMod 2 | part = MEMLander 2 | part = MKS_LandingLeg 2 | part = MKS_LandingWheel_Side 2 | part = MKS_LightGlobe 2 | part = NB0mtankJet1 2 | part = NBinstake0m 2 | part = NBintakeBasic0m 2 | part = NBjetBasic0m 2 | part = NBjetTurbo0m 2 | part = NBpylonAero1 2 | part = NBpylonAero2 2 | part = neptuno 2 | part = NH_Core 2 | part = novapod 2 | part = OPTdropTank 2 | part = probeStackSmall 2 | part = RCSBoonExt 2 | part = RLA_small_probe_QBE_gold 2 | part = SeatHDCommand 2 | part = SEP_girder 2 | part = SmallGearBay 2 | part = solarPanelsuncat1 2 | part = sondex2pod 2 | part = SXT16FuelTank 2 | part = SXT32FuelTank 2 | part = SXT375mProbe 2 | part = SXT5mTank0cap 2 | part = SXT625mFuel4 2 | part = SXT64FuelTank 2 | part = SXTAirbag 2 | part = SXTcapsuleshield 2 | part = SXTCrewCabSSP20 2 | part = SXTDepolyRTGI 2 | part = SXTDepolyRTGII 2 | part = SXTDLK83EHabitat 2 | part = SXTdockingPortVeryLarge 2 | part = SXTEntenteCordiale 2 | part = SXTFuel625m 2 | part = SXTHECSRanger 2 | part = SXTISSHabISK30 2 | part = SXTK1Decoupler 2 | part = SXTK1Decoupler2 2 | part = SXTKOPO4E 2 | part = SXTLander 2 | part = SXTlaunchclamp1 2 | part = SXTNERVA 2 | part = SXTNK21BlockV 2 | part = SXTOMS 2 | part = SXTOsualHullLarge 2 | part = SXTOsualRadHull 2 | part = SXTOsualRadHullEnd 2 | part = SXTOsualTailLarge 2 | part = SXTPipeGLong 2 | part = SXTPipeLong 2 | part = SXTPipeShort 2 | part = SXTProbeGooo 2 | part = SXTradialFuel 2 | part = SXTRCSRack 2 | part = SXTsolarPanelLarge 2 | part = SXTTriangleRightangle 2 | part = SXTTriHexagon 2 | part = SXTVernier885 2 | part = SXTWaxWing 2 | part = SXTWingLarge 2 | part = SXTX405 2 | part = SYplate2m1mX0 2 | part = TelescopeFullAScaleable 2 | part = UAEcubplate
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