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    Falcon 9 Pilot
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    Arlanda, Sweden
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    NASA, physics crap...

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  1. Hi Qaagmire!

    You ticked the "List on CKAN" option when adding Flare+ to Spacedock, and I'm trying to make that submission work. Unfortunately, I cannot make head nor tail of the license you have included in your mod, and the "MediaProtect 1.0" label you've given it particularly seems weird. It seems to have self-contradictory clauses. Also, having the license as an .RTF makes it less accessible than a plain text file, without adding any value that I can see.

    Your comment "P.S could someone please make a forum OP for me. I don't have time to do so. Thanks!" is also very peculiar. Mod authors really need to create their own forum threads, so that they can keep the OP updated. No one can do that for you.

    Also, as noted below, there's no readme included in your mod, so any description is entirely missing, other than the abstract: "A reentry flare improvement mod."

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