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Everything posted by goldmine48

  1. Hi. Long time user of this mod, it's so good! I'm using this mod with RSS/RO so I'm not sure who to ask exactly but I'm having a few problems with the Real Fuels config. Basically almost all of the fuels for all of the rockets are correct except 2 fuel types. Solid rocket boosters are indeed filled with HTPB but also with the stock amount of 'Solid Fuel'. This wouldn't bother me too much but the problem is that it counts as mass and cost in the total for the rocket. I can simply set the slider to 0 for the 'Solid Fuel' but I was wondering if anything is possible from the dev side of things(since LF/LOX is perfectly replaced by Kerosene and Liquid Hydrogen etc. for all of the rockets). The other thing is the 'Solid Fuel' doesn't appear as fuel in the Real Fuels GUI so I can't remove it like that. Additionally Monopropellant is also included with RCS tanks(for example with the centaur upper stage you get Helium & Hydrazine but also Monopropellant) With solid fuel: Without solid fuel: Thanks
  2. @Kartoffelkuchen(or anyone else with an answer), how would I go about getting a look at the SpaceX Landing Zone 1 craft file in detail(ie in 3D in an editor of some sort like Blender)? I normally don't like messing around with craft files but I've only ever got the Landing Zone 1 craft to work once in 1.1.3 in Realism Overhaul(and no luck in stock either). Otherwise every time I try and launch it, it explodes with a variety of situation reports (from 'F3') saying it's either overheated or collided with the surface or splashed down hard(?!). Btw I've already tried modifying the config file to no avail.(Also I get it if you don't want people messing with the craft file.) Thanks.
  3. Hey @Kartoffelkuchen, sorry to nag you but whilst you're here is there anything I can do to make Landing Zone 1 work without exploding in version 1.1.3?
  4. Hey @Kartoffelkuchen, great work on the mod! I'm using the 1.1.3 compatible version, I'm wondering if there is meant to be a particular procedure for using the Landing Zone 1 because every time I try to launch it(from either the VAB or SPH) it immediately explodes and the Flight Results show that it "collided into the surface". The debug menu shows that the craft exploded due to overheating. I don't know if there's something I'm meant to tweak in the cfg file. To elaborate, I load up the craft part in the SPH and rotate it to the correct orientation and launch(I've also tried launching without rotating where it was stable but sideways and the same problem occurred when I tried to use SAS to reorient it). Btw the ASDS works pretty well by comparison. P.S. I edited the cfg file to add a really high temperature tolerance and it exploded because the g-force tolerance was exceeded again according to the debug menu
  5. Hi, Awesome mod! I've been using it for a while now(when I was on 1.1.3) but I tried downloading and installing this pre-release for 1.2 and I've copied the GameData contents to the GameData folder for KSP and unzipped the python client zip file but I'm a little confused as to where I'm meant to move it to(i'm on Windows btw). I've only ever used pip.exe to install krpc before so I'm a little unfamiliar with manual installation. Once the official release is out I'll probably revert to using pip.exe but in the meantime any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. That did the trick! For a while, but now even if I try that trick(and increasing the RAAN in 45 deg increments) it still gives an incorrect delta-v. For some reason the "Compute departure burn" only gives me a reasonable delta-v if I reset the porkchop plot options so that the earliest departure date and earliest arrival date are 0(Year 1). Even if I put the same initial orbit for a departure and arrival date around Year 20 it gives me a wildly incorrect answer for a burn set in Year 21. I also tried with MFMS but same problem even when I run it multiple times(I know the algorithm has an element of randomness). I can get a somewhat reasonable delta-v(but still 1000m/s more than MechJeb) if I play with the RAAN number, but there's no link between the final number and any other numbers defining the orbit(Argument of periapsis, Inclination, etc.). Besides, having to tweak with actual orbital properties of the Active Vessel instead of playing with maneuvers and optimizing missions in Mission Architect kind of defeats the point of the program right? It seems strange that the program should have such problems with RSS considering the fact it works so well for stock KSP. @Arrowstar, have you tried installing RSS and RO yourself? Perhaps on a separate KSP install to your current one?
  7. http://imgur.com/a/FiixL More diagnostic images. Even with a starting orbit above 6378km and lined up with the ecliptic it still shows really high delta-v requirements. I was thinking are the program's algorithms getting confused by the fact that the whole solar system is tilted in RSS to ensure Earth's Axial Tilt. Also no progress with the mismatch concerning the Earth-Moon flight, I suspect that a combination of initial epoch number from RSS(-31542641.784s) and the fact that I don't think that the SOI distance listed in the celestial body catalogue in Mission Architect matches with RSS values but I can't be certain.
  8. Thanks for the bodies.ini file but I'm still having a problem with setting up a simple Moon encounter using RMS(Rendezvous Manoeuvre Sequencer) I upload the orbit of the active vessel select the Moon as the target orbit and upload the manoeuvre to KSP just to check that I would indeed collide with the Moon if I executed that manoeuvre and I don't even get an encounter since the game shows that the Moon will be quite a few degrees along/behind the "interception" point given by RMS. These images should give you an idea as to what I mean. It's quite frustrating since I've tried a whole bunch of stuff to fix it like changing the initial epoch time in Kopernicus config file and even uploading the true anomaly of the Moon at a given point and setting that as the mean anomaly in RMS and changing Epoch to the current Epoch which makes things slightly better but still doesn't work once I shift over to Mission Architect. BTW the screenshots in the link are using an old Kopernicus install from a few weeks ago. But I have tested the bodies.ini file you uploaded on the newest version of RSS and it still doesn't work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated since I have zero clue as to how to fix this.
  9. @Arrowstar Hi. Really cool mod! I've got it working really well in stock KSP but I'm having a lot of difficulty getting it to work in RSS/RO. The main problem I think being that the position of the bodies are wrong when I import them into a bodies.ini file. The maneuvers outputted from for example the Rendezvous Maneuver Sequencer to get from LEO to the Moon seem sensible in terms of Delta-v and direction(prograde,radial,normal numbers) but in the visualizer the Moon's position at maneuver execution and at intercept don't match the positions in-game and so when I upload directly to the game(or upload after optimization) it's way off. Could this be because of the weird initial epoch number(-31542641.784 secs) assigned to all of the bodies by the RSS mod or am I just missing a step? Could you please just briefly describe the procedure for getting the mod to work with RSS/RO as well? Thanks again, really great mod.
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